-is the research about altering perceptions of environments through play and connectivity/connectedness? and then applying this through the use of situated technologies as 'design in action' to a children's healthcare context?
Research Title: Practice based investigation into transforming children and their families perceptions (experiences?) of healthcare environments through participation, play and connectivity (connectedness?)
Aims: This project will explore the affect of cooperatively altering a (healthcare) environment through the use of interactive situated technologies. Can the ability of children and their families to interact with the built healthcare environment in a playful and connected manner contribute to affecting feelings of anxiety,boredom and the quality of their healthcare experience?
This research will explore, within a children's healthcare environment, how participation, play and connectivity may contribute to improved healthcare outcomes for patients and families.
- Can playful interaction with physical surroundings affect children and their families experiences of the physical healthcare environment?
- Does connectedness with external 'agents' affect patients and families perception of the healthcare environment?
- Can a participatory design process enable children and their families to transform their experiences of the healthcare context?
Research Title
Practice based investigation into the relationship between dynamic environments and (patients and families experience of ) children's healthcare context.
This project will explore the affect of cooperatively altering a (healthcare) environment through the use of interactive situated technologies. Can the ability of children and their families to interact with healthcare environments in a playful and connected manner contribute to affecting anxiety and the quality of their healthcare experience?
This research will explore how people relate to each other and their spaces within a children's healthcare context.
Can dynamic environments within a children's healthcare context affect children and their famalies experience of the health care environment?
investigating dynamic environments and how mobile devices could create new experiences on dynamic screens (through the use of situated technology) (balloons etc.), transformational creativity could be a more emphasised concept.
The concept of connectedness and sociability and how a distinction in participation and co-creation is established