Monday, December 19, 2011

supervisory meeting #1

With Max and Me,
general pre xmas ramble as both pretty shattered however we covered some useful things.even just talking about the project is useful.
ideas tobe investigated further for Easter next year include epistomology and the 'meta question' what is the research question exactly?

altering environments ( for....?)
public/private sharing/
content for environments provided by participants ( "ingredients stored on phone?MS ) framework or scaffolding put in place by designer (AN)
environments both 'exterior' (physical real world) and interior ( ie emotional/spiritual ..) able to be accessed in healthcare context.

so thinking through those areas that I raised a month or two

Research Title

Research Title
Practice based investigation into children's experience of an interactive socially connected play environment within a pediatric healthcare context.
This project will explore the relationship between children's experience of their healthcare environment and the affects of being enabled to cooperatively alter it through the use of interactive situated technologies.
This research will explore how people relate to each other and their spaces within a children's healthcare context.
Question: Can a responsive play environment,imbedded with situated technologies, that is (cooperatively) altered affect children’s experiences of healthcare environments?

A practice based investigation into co-operative development of play environments and children's experience of illness and healthcare.
This project will explore the possibilities that play environments created with children affect their experience of illness and healthcare and contribute to alleviating anxiety.

In the context of children’s healthcare, can a responsive play environment, developed using a particapatory approach, affect children’s experiences of healthcare environments?

see previous post here
Research Title Practice based investigation into children's experience of an interactive play environment within a pediatric healthcare context.
This project will explore the relationship between interactive architectural spaces and children's experience of their healthcare environment and its affect on their well being. This research will explore how people relate to each other and their spaces in a children's healthcare context.
Research Title Practice based investigation into interactive architectural ecology and how people relate to each other and their spaces within a children's healthcare context.
Aims..oh shit..
what do I want to find out?

This project will explore the relationship between interactive architectural spaces and children's experience of the healthcare environment

Thursday, December 15, 2011

accepted for IDEA 2012

well a few seeds are starting to grow..
  • accepted for IDEA 2012
  • Finally got through the torturous enrollment stage for now its official, oh lordy what have I done?
  • Funding grant accepted (Full funding!! yay)
I finished reading

Art Practice as Research
finally too, not sure about all the claims that Sullivan makes, I need to read some more to piece it all together.specifically research within the PhD framework and the positioning of thge research question up front as it were. Some of the examples I'm not sure are useful for me but the Hockney /camera Obscura example suggested some thoughts to me.

Currently reading;
Creative Research . The Theory and practice of research for the creative industries.
Hillary Collins ava academia (AVA publishing)
Lausanne Switzerland 2010.

finding this very interesting, explains different research philosophies succinctly and helps to position the epistemology upfront in the research. good examples of clear concise yet informed writing too. Also as a designed object the book is great- works well being able to link the diagrams to the writing in a clear understandable manner.
must buy this too!

here it is on Amazon

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Art Practice as research

Having completed a funding proposal,2 x exhibition and paper proposals, a PBRF revision (again...) and my statement of expectations - oh and teaching and marking I now get to doe some reading for my own research..
reading Art Practice as Research and looking forward to

Practice as research: approaches to creative arts enquiry

Front Cover
Estelle Barrett, Barbara Bolt

The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts

By Michael Biggs, Henrik Karlsson this from Google books

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011

tweeking title,aim and question again..

A practice based investigation into co-operative development of play environments and children's experience of illness and healthcare.

This project will explore the possibilities that play environments created with children affect their experience of illness and healthcare and contribute to alleviating anxiety.

In the context of children’s healthcare, can a responsive play environment, developed using a particapatory approach, affect children’s experiences of healthcare environments?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

situated technologies

Writing up a proposal for Interior: a State of Becoming
in Perth Australia in 2012 the call says;

The common desire to be a designer is to create and produce speculative and/or tangible works. For designers who have shifted into education and by association research practice, the framing of research through design and with design has been a challenge. Recently research authorities have broadened their fields to validate creative work in a variety of manifestations. This ‘becoming’ of creative work as research not only addresses the separation [or frustrations] for the design practitioner/educator but also prompts critical reflection on the process and fields of creative work as research.

The state of ‘becoming’ as to happen, from the verb ‘hap’ [as spontaneous event or display] is the tenet to engender creative research output for the Exhibition Interior: a State of Becoming. The curators of the exhibition Interior: a State of Becoming invite proposals from researchers in interior architecture and interior design education and practice to submit proposals of speculative and or tangible creative work for exhibition. The exhibition will run in conjunction with the 2012 IDEA Symposium Interior: a State of Becoming. Therefore similar to the call for written papers, responses to the same provocation and themes of the 2012 IDEA Symposium are sought for the exhibition. Proposals may include active and static, virtual and non-virtual, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional, constructed, speculative or performative piece/pieces or installations.

I've been looking at situated technologies as a way of framing an extension of the L.E.D Zeppelin project

some links to that here..

robotecture here

Flockwall here

which could be a good model for a work shop at ISEA 2012