Friday, February 24, 2012


working on content + images+ categories for cards for 'cultural probe' kit for kids in hospital.
based on the provocation that in hospital people would "rather be anywhere but here"(VitalArts 2010).
so where is here if you can't move from where you are?
Is it an imaginary space?
Is it a physical change in the environment that is analogous to where you'd like to be?
Is it connected to your support network?-Family , Friends? can they see it, touch it and respond to it also?
 Does this place 'transport' you, is it enchanting?
Does it smell of hot toast?

Vitalarts, (2010).  from

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a little Massumi

When I think of my body, and ask what it does to earn that name, two things stand
out. It moves. It feels. In fact, it does both at the same time. It moves as it feels, and it
feels itself moving. Can we think a body without this; an intrinsic connection between
movement and sensation, whereby each immediately summons the other?

Brian Massumi. Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation. Durham: Duke University
Press, 2002. On line

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ludic Automatons by Mary Thompson

Little creatures doing their ludic jive.