- accepted for IDEA 2012
- Finally got through the torturous enrollment stage for PhD..so now its official, oh lordy what have I done?
- Funding grant accepted (Full funding!! yay)
Art Practice as Research
finally too, not sure about all the claims that Sullivan makes, I need to read some more to piece it all together.specifically research within the PhD framework and the positioning of thge research question up front as it were. Some of the examples I'm not sure are useful for me but the Hockney /camera Obscura example suggested some thoughts to me.
Currently reading;
Creative Research . The Theory and practice of research for the creative industries.
Hillary Collins ava academia (AVA publishing)
Lausanne Switzerland 2010.
finding this very interesting, explains different research philosophies succinctly and helps to position the epistemology upfront in the research. good examples of clear concise yet informed writing too. Also as a designed object the book is great- works well being able to link the diagrams to the writing in a clear understandable manner.
must buy this too!
here it is on Amazon