Thursday, May 19, 2011

Anna Dumitriu from The Centre for Research & Development Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton

Phone Flora
Chair Flora
Wall Flora

Research Degree Title

A Practice Based Investigation into the Relationship of Normal Flora Microbiology to Philosophical Notions of the Sublime.


This project will interrogate the possibilities of scientific imagery as art – its allegorical, expressive, and social character. It will consist of a new body of laboratory-based scientific investigation (a study of the normal flora encountered in my everyday life), the creation of a multimedia installation which will fuse sculptural and craft-based techniques with digital media, and a critical, contextualising essay on the issues addressed by the studio-based work. The installation will engage artists, scientists and the public, raising awareness through an experiential artwork.

Abstract/ Research Questions

Scientific research in the field of Normal Flora bacteriology is negligible, as these microbes are rarely of commercial or medical interest. Ontologically and epistemologically, however, they have great relevance in understanding the world in which we live, and our perception of ourselves. Anna Dumitriu has now begun to investigate, through practice-based artistic research, the cultural and aesthetic implications of these microbes. Although individually these bacteria are tiny, they are vast in number: a single teaspoon of topsoil contains about a billion bacterial cells, about 120,000 fungal cells and some 25,000 algal cells. Incredibly beautiful, and the source of (mostly irrational) fears, they have been the objects of representational challenge for scientists since the beginnings of microscopy (Hook Micrographia (1662); Haeckel Art Forms in Nature (1904)). Now conjoined with the revelatory technologies and discoveries of other disciplines they have contributed to a contemporary fascination with the relation between art and science.

Key Question:
How does the microscopic world relate to the idea of the sublime?

Edmund Burke whose “Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful” was published in 1757 stated "The passion caused by the great and sublime in nature . . . is Astonishment; and astonishment is that state of the soul, in which all its motions are suspended, with some degree of horror. In this case the mind is so entirely filled with its object, that it cannot entertain any other."

ok so what do I learn from this?

Research Degree Title

A Practice Based Investigation into the Relationship of Normal Flora Microbiology to Philosophical Notions of the Sublime


This project will interrogate the possibilities of scientific imagery as art – its allegorical, expressive, and social character. It will consist of a new body of laboratory-based scientific investigation (a study of the normal flora encountered in my everyday life), the creation of a multimedia installation which will fuse sculptural and craft-based techniques with digital media, and a critical, contextualising essay on the issues addressed by the studio-based work. The installation will engage artists, scientists and the public, raising awareness through an experiential artwork.

Abstract/Research Questions
  • Key Question:
How does the microscopic world relate to the idea of the sublime?
  • Questions arising as a result of the research:
What critical relevance does the idea that many bacteria evolve and become extinct without us even noticing their existence?

What similarities and differences between science and art does this project, which is being proposed from an artistic point of view, specifically demonstrate?

What makes someone a Scientist? What criteria does one need to fulfil to be labelled as such? Why are there so many amateur artists and so few amateur scientists? This is a new development, which has occurred over the past two hundred years, why?

What relevance does this project have within the context of feminine art?

So... Can I separate my early stage research like this?

what is/are my
Research Title..not the catchy one but the one that says what I'm investigating?
This project will (interrogate....)

Research Question
How does the....

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