Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thoughts on enchantment

Developing a  healthcare environment that is transformative (for pediatric patients and their families) affected by participants playful interventions. This alters perception of the environment by creating a sense of enchantment.

Enchantment is described by John Dewey as "being caught up and carried away" Jane Bennett
in Bennett,J The Enchantment iof Modern Life;attachments,crossings and ethics; 5

" Enchantment occurs at  thresholds and assists us to shift,blur or cross those thresholds:

P 137 Daniella Wilde PhD Thesis

"Openness supports Playful engagement" Paul Dourish.
so open systems create vacuums for self discovery ( In Wilde's case through embodied practice). 

Altering perceptions of healthcare environments through play(enchantment) and connectivity/connectedness?

This research will explore, within a children's healthcare environment, how participation, play and connectivity may contribute to improved healthcare outcomes for patients and families

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